Primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) are most common in the central nervous system. Peripheral placements are extremely rare. PNET is from the Ewing sarcoma family. Ewing's sarcoma is evaluated in two groups: bone and non-bone origin. Renal PNET is extremely rare. Peripheral PNETs of renal origin are usually seen in young adults, progress with an aggressive clinical picture and have a poor prognosis. in the follow-up imaging of a 62-year-old female patient after gastrectomy due to stomach cancer (adenocarcinoma), a renal mass was detected incidentally in the left kidney. The patient had no identified complaints. In the middle segment of the left kidney, computed tomography (CT) examination untracked 42.5x44.6 mm nodular mass lesion which holds hipodens contrast material was noticed. The patient underwent laparoscopic left radical nephrectomy. On pathological examination, a diagnosis of PNET/Ewing sarcoma was made. Immunohistochemically, membranous/cytoplasmic and nuclear staining with FLI1 and CD99 were observed in the tumor sections. However, staining with LCA was not seen. The patient was scheduled chemotherapy by oncology. At the end of the fourth course of chemotherapy, no recurrence was found in the radiological controls of the patient.
@article{2022,title={A rare case of extraosseous Ewing's sarcoma of the kidney accompanied by a gastric adenocarcinoma},abstractNode={},author={Soner ÇOBAN-Atilla SATIR -Çağlar BOYACI -Muhammet GÜZELSOY -Ali Rıza TÜRKOĞLU -Murat Öztürk -Akif KOÇ -Anıl ERKAN -Metin KILIÇ -Oğuzhan AKPINAR -Nazmi MUTLU },year={2022},journal={European Journal of Human Health}}
Soner ÇOBAN-Atilla SATIR -Çağlar BOYACI -Muhammet GÜZELSOY -Ali Rıza TÜRKOĞLU -Murat Öztürk -Akif KOÇ -Anıl ERKAN -Metin KILIÇ -Oğuzhan AKPINAR -Nazmi MUTLU . 2022 . A rare case of extraosseous Ewing's sarcoma of the kidney accompanied by a gastric adenocarcinoma . European Journal of Human Health.DOI:10.29228/ejhh.66898
Soner ÇOBAN-Atilla SATIR -Çağlar BOYACI -Muhammet GÜZELSOY -Ali Rıza TÜRKOĞLU -Murat Öztürk -Akif KOÇ -Anıl ERKAN -Metin KILIÇ -Oğuzhan AKPINAR -Nazmi MUTLU .(2022).A rare case of extraosseous Ewing's sarcoma of the kidney accompanied by a gastric adenocarcinoma.European Journal of Human Health
Soner ÇOBAN-Atilla SATIR -Çağlar BOYACI -Muhammet GÜZELSOY -Ali Rıza TÜRKOĞLU -Murat Öztürk -Akif KOÇ -Anıl ERKAN -Metin KILIÇ -Oğuzhan AKPINAR -Nazmi MUTLU ,"A rare case of extraosseous Ewing's sarcoma of the kidney accompanied by a gastric adenocarcinoma" , European Journal of Human Health (2022)
Soner ÇOBAN-Atilla SATIR -Çağlar BOYACI -Muhammet GÜZELSOY -Ali Rıza TÜRKOĞLU -Murat Öztürk -Akif KOÇ -Anıl ERKAN -Metin KILIÇ -Oğuzhan AKPINAR -Nazmi MUTLU . 2022 . A rare case of extraosseous Ewing's sarcoma of the kidney accompanied by a gastric adenocarcinoma . European Journal of Human Health . 2022. DOI:10.29228/ejhh.66898
Soner ÇOBAN-Atilla SATIR -Çağlar BOYACI -Muhammet GÜZELSOY -Ali Rıza TÜRKOĞLU -Murat Öztürk -Akif KOÇ -Anıl ERKAN -Metin KILIÇ -Oğuzhan AKPINAR -Nazmi MUTLU .A rare case of extraosseous Ewing's sarcoma of the kidney accompanied by a gastric adenocarcinoma. European Journal of Human Health (2022)
Soner ÇOBAN-Atilla SATIR -Çağlar BOYACI -Muhammet GÜZELSOY -Ali Rıza TÜRKOĞLU -Murat Öztürk -Akif KOÇ -Anıl ERKAN -Metin KILIÇ -Oğuzhan AKPINAR -Nazmi MUTLU .A rare case of extraosseous Ewing's sarcoma of the kidney accompanied by a gastric adenocarcinoma. European Journal of Human Health (2022)
Soner ÇOBAN-Atilla SATIR -Çağlar BOYACI -Muhammet GÜZELSOY -Ali Rıza TÜRKOĞLU -Murat Öztürk -Akif KOÇ -Anıl ERKAN -Metin KILIÇ -Oğuzhan AKPINAR -Nazmi MUTLU . (2022) .A rare case of extraosseous Ewing's sarcoma of the kidney accompanied by a gastric adenocarcinoma European Journal of Human Health
Soner ÇOBAN-Atilla SATIR -Çağlar BOYACI -Muhammet GÜZELSOY -Ali Rıza TÜRKOĞLU -Murat Öztürk -Akif KOÇ -Anıl ERKAN -Metin KILIÇ -Oğuzhan AKPINAR -Nazmi MUTLU . A rare case of extraosseous Ewing's sarcoma of the kidney accompanied by a gastric adenocarcinoma . European Journal of Human Health . 2022 doi:10.29228/ejhh.66898
Soner ÇOBAN-Atilla SATIR -Çağlar BOYACI -Muhammet GÜZELSOY -Ali Rıza TÜRKOĞLU -Murat Öztürk -Akif KOÇ -Anıl ERKAN -Metin KILIÇ -Oğuzhan AKPINAR -Nazmi MUTLU ."A rare case of extraosseous Ewing's sarcoma of the kidney accompanied by a gastric adenocarcinoma",European Journal of Human Health(2022)
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