Evaluation of Intoxicated Patients Applying to the Umraniye Training and Research Hospital Emergency Department

Author :  

Year-Number: 2021-2
Yayımlanma Tarihi: 2021-08-31 19:05:47.0
Language : Turkish
Konu : Family Physician
Number of pages: 57-63
Mendeley EndNote Alıntı Yap




Aim: In our study, we aimed to evaluate intoxication cases who were admitted to the Umraniye Training
and Research Hospital.
Methods: Medical records of 277 cases with intoxication who applied to the Umraniye Training and
Research Hospital between January 01st 2015 and March 31st 2015 were retrospectively analyzed in
terms of demographic characteristics, origin, treatment and outcome.
Results: 127 (45.8%) of the 277 cases were female and 150 (54.2%) were male. 62.8% were in the 18-29
age range and 25.3% were in the 30-39 age range. Intoxication most frequently occurred on weekends.
The patients were most frequently admitted to the hospital at night. When the forms of poisoning were
evaluated, 121 (43.7%) were due to medical drugs, 89 (32.1%) synthetic cannabinoids and 54 (19.5%)
CO. Analgesics and tricyclic antidepressants were the most commonly used drugs in acute intoxications.
The consultation rate of the suicidal cases with a psychiatrist was 24.9%.
Conclusions: Analgesics and tricyclic antidepressants were the most used drugs in acute intoxications.
Synthetic cannabinoids constituted an important proportion of the intoxication cases. Despite these
results, consultation of the cases with suicidal attempts with a psychiatrist was reported at a very low
percentage. Consultation with a psychiatrist of all patients who attempt suicide should be encouraged.



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